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Re: How to help my husband with p 0 r n
herb-gal Views: 4,174
Published: 18 y
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Re: How to help my husband with p 0 r n

You setting rules on who he can look at stuff with is probably half the reason he does it. Maybe, when it comes to that, he sees you as more of a mother figure than someone he wants to be sharing it with. You guys are married and that doesn't mean that you're supposed to tell eachother what to do and set rules for eachother. It means that you love that person for who they are and accept them for who they also means that you better have been pretty damn sure when you got married taht you knew the person well enough to not have these problems. You don't marry someone knowing that you're going to be turning to the internet to be asking for advice on how to get your husband to stop doing something that the vast majority of men do. I wouldn't be surprised if your husband was turning to someone for help to escape you and your jealousy issues. If you keep getting mad about pictures, what if he turns to the real thing instead?
Why don't you try being realistic? Understand that while your husband probably still loves you...not many men are turned on by pregnancy and pregnancy hormones, they're turned on by an unrealistic stereotype of the typical hot woman.


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