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Re: Here's the science! - NOT YET!
oboeman Views: 9,776
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 875,616

Re: Here's the science! - NOT YET!

Sorry, no, I don't believe in folk medicine. I agree that there have been certain herbs, tree barks, etc. that have been found to have positive medicinal properties, and hooray for that! And, let's keep studying those!!!

And there are many, many more folk remedies that don't work at all, only work by the power and faith of the people who give and take those remedies. (Again, see studies on Airborne and Accupuncture) And once again, if it works for someone, then I am pleased, because some help is better than no help.

Yes, did some (hopefully well-meaning) people rush Vioxx, to market? Absolutely, since there - was relief - for most who took that drug. 20 million people took Vioxx. Sadly, over 27,000 died, likely from complications exacerbated by that drug. Coldly and statistically, that represents 0.135% of all those who took that drug. Suggesting that 99.865% of people who took it did not die from it. And, while those statistics are compelling, we have higher expectations of our medicines. They should work 99.999999% of the time, and only have minor side effects (nausea, headaches, etc.). And so, they are off the market, as they should be.

And, I do primarily object to the way many of these remedies (and especially for now, XanGo) are sold. Besides the MLM, these people speak and sell on faith and testimonial only - with only anecdotal evidence to support their claims. And I do read the advertising and labels carefully, since a few of these same people who run XanGo have had other businesses shut down for selling products that promised cures where there was no evidence.

For instance, from the XanGo site:

"Research shows xanthones possess potent antioxidant properties that may help maintain intestinal health, strengthen the immune system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and promote a healthy seasonal respiratory system.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Note the use of the word "may" in the first line. As long as that word is there, they can say anything they like. And sell anything they like. I truly hope that there are - measurable - health gains from XanGo and the Mangosteen fruit. I unashamedly object to the "I tried it and I am now pain free..." (a quote from a dear friend) approach; which sounds like, "I know something special and want to share it." Again, why haven't the pharmaceutical companies jumped on this? The Science is unclear and incomplete. More research needs to be done, which I am all for!

I guess I am against the whole flow of things here in Curezone...I guess you should have to respond to your detractors occasionally - keeps you focused. Glad I can help. :o)

And, frankly, I am enjoying the civilized tone here. Could be nastier, and it is not - at all. Thanks!


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