Re: Xango ... ( Mangosteen juice )
Heretic...Dude lay off it a little. Xango is an excellent product for both health and a financial opportunity. It may very well not help every person that takes it...I know some people who are allergic to vegetables!!! You are obviously an mlm skeptic! But there have been alot of people that have made alot of money with mlm businesses, whether you believe they are scams or not! I suggest you study the industry a little before you go knocking it just b/c your buddy(figuratively speaking)tried some mlm business and quit. I totally, absolutely, 100% believe that network marketing/mlm is one of the greatest ways to create wealth today! And for anyone out there who is interested in learning more about the network marketing/mlm industry, I would suggest the following website:
And yes, this guy is a Xango Distributor with an organization of about 6500 people. Prior to this venture he was a consultant who researched over 400 companies. In fourteen years of research, he has chosen to join only two companies...USANA (about 10 yrs ago, built a very large organization) and now Xango (chose Xango in 2003 as the #1 company and left consulting business to go full time with Xango...still building:)) Now to those out there who are totally against mlm, I say May God Bless You in all that you do! I once heard the statement "Network Marketing is for everyone, but not everyone is for Network Marketing". And if you are looking for a way to make some money and take control of your life, I'm sure Heretic has some alternative business opportunities for you...Right, Heretic! Surely after bashing mlm, you have some other alternative for people to create massive wealth! Ha..ha..ha. On a serious note, I'm sure you have good intentions Heretic and look forward to hearing your reply. But unfortunately, I want be able to continue this discussion b/c I am too busy building a business with Xango!!! By the way, please provide me with either a website or literature stating that Xango has lost their patent and/or that Wild Flavors is disavowing any partnership with Xango. I am very familiar with the legal proceedings regarding the patent, but that is the first I have heard about Xango losing the patent??? Regardless, Xango continues to break virtually every sales record in the network marketing industry...they are on pace to be the fastest company ever to reach 1 billion dollars in sales. And FYI, Tahitian Noni, the company that was the first to market the Noni juice, is still a multi-billion dollar company, although there are several knock-offs found everywhere. Excellent Company, but only problem is that Noni juice doesn't taste that great. Xango tastes incredible! Hmmm...Noni juice, now Xango...maybe there is something to these products! May God Bless You All!