Chazz, you must be a marketing genius!!! How many business courses have you taken in your career? Do you know anyone successful in mlm? Probably not...b/c one they do teach in all mlm companies to my knowledge, is not to listen to the negativity of so many such as yourself. I suppose the reason so many mention Jesus is because most people getting involved with mlm are looking for a change in their life, be it having to do with job, family, etc. And they come to realize that amongst all of the advice people have to give you there has to be one absolute truth! And Jesus Christ is this one Absolute Truth! And from that standpoint, knowing that many people never make money with mlm, I believe it gets them thinking positively for a change and improves their communication with others. I strongly suggest that you try lifting others up, regardless of what they are doing in life! And as far as addressing your concerns about the middle man getting paid and blah, blah, blah...I highly suggest you spend some time learning about business in general in addition to network marketing. When you get educated a little, maybe we can debate a little!