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Re: Here's the science! - NOT YET!
oboeman Views: 9,610
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 870,394

Re: Here's the science! - NOT YET!

Must have hit a nerve...

I do not doubt that people are helped by drinking Xango. They are also helped by Sugar pills when they are told they are medicine (see placebo effect). There may be something there to it - I get that. BUT, and still no one has answered my challenge, DO A STUDY! Results on one person (while interesting and encouraging) mean nothing, even if it is only lowering cholesterol, helping diabetics, whatever. Pick something, somebody. Prove that it works on most people for one thing - don't care which. There just may be a reason there have been no studies done - maybe the people that manufacture this don't really want to know, because then all the people who buy it because their friends swear by it wouldn't be buyers anymore.

Check the Science on a couple other popular remedies:

Acupuncture doesn't work.
Airborne doesn't work.

But there are still zealous adherents to these remedies - why? Because they BELIEVE in it. No matter that it doesn't really do anything at all - because they believe, then it works (see again, placebo effect).

My basic problem with the Xango faithful is that while there are no direct claims of cures, everyone has a story similar to your mother's (for whom I am happy that she is pain free!). However, there is still no Science to back up the multitude of testimonial claims.

Do the study - multiple people - double blind. They are expensive?? So what?!? The top of the Xango pyramid must have a few Million $$ sitting around. There are self-funded studies all the time. Time to put up or shut up, Xango!


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