I am a distributer. I dont push the business part of Xango. All im concerned with is the fact that it has worked for me. I guess Im a human test subject. Glad to be one too, because of the fact that this juice has changed me. Im sorry it didnt work for you. Chemo doesnt work on all people either. It lowered my blood pressure, with the help of my Dr. Im off my anti-depressants, Ive lost 5 dress sizes without any change in diet or excersize, I apply it directly to my face and my rosacea is gone and my friend soaked his swelled up infected finger -staff infection- in Xango and placed a Xango soaked gauze on it over night. By the next morning, his finger was normal size and the infection was pulled out. Within a week his finger was completely healed. Xango did for him what 2 months of Antibiotics couldnt do and saved his finger from amputation. Xanthones are powerfull. Just ask your doctor.