Re: massage the morgellons out
I don't have morgellons, but became interested in it when I met a young lady with it at a yahoo group called biologicalterrain that I was attending because of my Lyme disease. At that time she was using
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) by spraying it on her skin. She said it was effective, but would cause die-off symptoms. When I say effective I mean that it have an effect but was the effect wasn't permanent. At that time I had never considered the possibility of removing heavy metals from the body to see if that would help with the condition. I have read that morgellons is different from other
parasites in that they contain man-made materials. So I am wondering if trying to remove the man-made materials would help get rid of the condition. I had one symptom that was similar to the young lady with morgellons, and that was that the skin on my hands was dry, cracked, bleeding, and looked as if I was 80 years old, and it would get worse whenever I would do something that would kill whatever is in my body. It cleared up overnight to a great degree when I started using a heavy metal/chemical remover body soak from DNR. Since realizing that whatever is in my body seems to be connected to heavy metals, I focus on that and killing whatever the living component is. I don't know if this idea will help anyone with morgellons, but I had to mention it just in case it would.