i believe things happen in threes and i'm excited by the power of our three! *totally off topic Banana Bender get this some trivia 4 u! i call u BB hey? well notalone cut back is 'n' correct? and then we have our 3rd - Betta( by the way, our little friend is female - or at least i'm guessing from the hubby part! so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong by any means.) makes B BN Betta like if used on a num plate abr. would go to Be Being Better (like get well soon sort of thing hey?!) back 2 reality- each individual serves a different purpose & contribute different things I am completly counting on ur inner strength positive thinking and creative alternative methods of coping along with ur experience and findings 2b shared as ur way of helping including all ur strength & energy building techniques also, & so on, as being what i c coming from u, not the tedious Science part -it would b like calling a gardener 2 ur house & expecting them 2do the ironing - it's not what they're there 4! whereas Betta u know scientific details of the out of ordinary fields(which also seem 2 b of interest 2 u rather than a bore) that would b a huge helpful contributer in our cause & that otherwise of which would go unnoticed being ur main purpose & as for me? - i'm hear to pull theories out of my a*s* & c where we all end up!(isn't that how all the great scientists wk?!)!! So how's that 4 a plan??!!evry1 feel reassured??!!(neither of u will eva post again now hey!) funny what u said bout tears i was always a person who regardless of anything would never shed a tear b it pain emotion anything i saw it as a vulnerability and now especially since the time when Steve Irwin died has triggered me into tears which are surfacing even over the most uncrieable things & i don't want to stop because the relief is as great as soaking!i just remembered reading ur notes that stress is the bugs friends and weakens us and there is some kind ok key to staying positive i 100% agree the human brain is complex and great and may help us if we know how to use it properly & in an effective manner life has all the answers we just have to find them which we do possess the necessary power for enabling us to seek them ur as smart as u want 2 b!& any1s capable of anything good OR bad(unfortunatley 4 the latters truth)seek,search,sort & share & eventually we're bound 2 get there!!(interrupted 2nite i will b focusing in morn! but i was still thinking bout u 2 at that time did that count?!)catch you both soon