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Right on, Grzbear and Invincible!
fledgling Views: 5,211
Published: 19 y
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Right on, Grzbear and Invincible!

I don't know enough to explain it, but my healing path has definitely included the lymph system.

Massage, and movement have been wonderful tools.

I don't know how much 'damage' might be in there, but I am absolutely positive that 'blockages' of one kind or another prevent healing until they are released.

One poster wrote that men and women have different layers of muscle and fat, for example, in their stomach areas.

Apparently, a man's fat layer is beneath his muscle layer, and a woman's is exactly the opposite. I don't know, as I say, but it certainly feels like that on me...when I hold my stomach in my hands and flex. (I don't let anyone look when I do this...and please forget that I wrote it here!)

Right now, in response to your post, Grzbear, I would like to pour out everything I've imagined and reasoned out on my health journey. But it would crash CureZone for sure.

So, I'll just say this, it has been a circular route of twigging to one thing, then hearing/understanding more, and moving on to something else.

For instance, too much acid, or too much alkali, is not good. Yet, someone else wrote that the urinary system is naturally slightly acidic, that it must be, or we are in trouble. Later, I learned that the ammonia waste from parasites, which we urinate out, is more damaging/irritating. Get rid of the parasites and see how much better you feel. It only took one week of Humaworm to teach me that. Most surprising!

I think it is all a cycle, a flow.

Another for instance...

...The pressure of liver stones got pretty intense, so I went out metal-detecting on the beach. The gentle swinging motion, side to side, twisting gently at the waist, for about three hours...settled the pressure for me. It built again later, of course, causing me to try the herbal liver cleanse that White Tiger prefers -- before my Humaworm cleanse.

Interestingly, I had twinges in the underarm/chest area, both during and after my Humaworm cleanse.

I know right now the flow of bile is impaired. I've learned to 'read' that in the bathroom. Prunes and cooked beets helped the bowels, but not the flow of bile, as I had hoped. Maybe raw beets?

Gonna try the herbal Liver Flush again today. Oh boy, does that ever work on the liver! Ouch! Oo-oo-oo! Eeh! Ah-h-h! But, in my case, there they sat in the gallbladder... and only decided to move on in recent days. I'll help.

It's FLOW, I think. One thing after another...and nothing we do can affect the natural order of things. The body knows...all we can do is follow along after...getting smarter as we go.

I am quite surprised that you have incorporated so much good activity, and still feel there is something wrong in your lymph system.

You would have done some parasite cleansing, I imagine, so, what could be slowing you down?

This may sound silly, but, as you fall asleep at night, you could 'release' the blockage, whatever might be its source. Just freely release it, with words, even if you don't yet believe yourself. Then forget it.

It takes something like 36 or 48 hours. And you may surprise yourself right down to your socks. You'll find yourself doing something, feeling something you didn't expect...without effort or stress.

Somehow I don't think it is permanent damage. I maybe entirely wrong, of course, but maybe it is just too soon to give up?

Do you exhale on the exertion? That's powerful. And have you tried simple stretches and flexes? I do some of those in bed. It becomes kind of a dance at times, and even happens after I am partly asleep...involuntarily. Very pleasant.

And, all massage is useful, especially gentle. Your body will tell you when you are too rough. Listen!

Hm-m-m...I'm going to be thinking about this one all day.

I do know that I believe that overweight is some blockage of the flow OUT of the body, in one area or another. But, it is more complicated than the advertisers of 'products' would have us believe, I'm sure.

Your mention of good fats helping the liver is key, I believe. (I've just got to understand where the choline and phosphate come from, and if I've got enough, in natural form. And if anything blocks that function.)

'Tis a puzzlement!

But, we'll figure it out.

Six heads are always better than one!

My best,



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