Re: Cost of Collonics???? Locating a place for colonics.
Ok I have a mini trampoline so although I'm not in the greatest shape, maybe I can bounce on it for a few minutes here and there.
My diet varies. Some days I'll have oatmean with butter and stevia in it, or 2 eggs sometimes with cheese or meat or both or neither. or sometimes I'll just have an all fruit breakdfast like granny smith apple, banana, oranges (but only the equivilent of maybe 1/4 each.
I've cut out breads and sugars although sometimes have a little but not even close to where I was before.
Lunch, maybe I'll saute up some chicken (only about 5 oz), then snack on a salad but I do have to have dressing. BUT I've cut way back. I put about 1tsp in a zip lock and put my salad in and shake it like crazy to get a little on everything. I don't like oil dressings. I don't like oil at all.
Dinner I have maybe a steack or chcken or fish. I am learning about nutrition and have learned that you shouldn't mix your foods like: do not mix protien with carbs, do not mix
Sugar with protein or carbs. eat proteins with proteins, carbs with carbs and if you have to,
Sugar with sugar, fruit with fruit. Always eat fruit first as it goes right through your system, it dosn't start digestion in the belly whereas carbs and proteins do. It takes Acid in your belly to break down the proteins, and alkaline to break down the carbs but you shouldn't mix both or it will form a neutral....there by turning to a liquid and losing any and all nutrients so your food becomes useless. I've been studying this for about a year now.
I'm losing weight eating like this and have more energy so it must be going well. Overall feel better.
Thanks for the information!