Whoa, Nellie! You may be allergic to Grapefruit Seed Extract. Stop taking it! Why don't you try taking Caprylic Acid for a while? This is a nice Candida killer available in health food stores and should not induce dramatic die-off symptoms. Then proceed with other therapies.
How about looking into Adrenal Collapse? Your symptoms of anxiety sound like you need to feed your Adrenals. Try some KETO-7, the form of DHEA, an Adrenal hormone available over-the-counter, which doesn't turn into other hormones. Eat lots of clean fats and oils, nothing fried, no Flax Seed which discourages Thyroid function, and take Kelp and eat Sea Salt for mineral support for the Adrenals.
If your liver needs perking up, eat some gently-cooked, organic Calve's Liver or take some L-Carnitine. Sublingual B-12 should help with stabilizing your emotional state. God bless you!