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Re: How to directly deal with anxiety
wellnessyoga Views: 8,306
Published: 22 y
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Re: How to directly deal with anxiety

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time! I see you have already gotten some very good pieces of advise. I'd like to add one more, something you can try in addition to the other ones. THis method comes from mindfulness based meditation method, which teaches witnessing ones thoughts and feelings, accepting everything and without attachment to anything. May sound odd, but it works.
When I feel panik or anxiety coming on, instead of getting anxious over it, which then feeds on itself and gets me into a downward spiral, I do this: sit down or lie down , breath deeply ( VERY important, since anxious people breathe very shallowly, which brings on the fight or flight response). I try to relax and pay attention to the sensations in my body. I ask myself: where in my body do I feel this? Don't interpret or try to understand,I just watch these sensations, like a curious unbiased bystander, without judgment or agenda, just keep watching and observing. Note any changes, small or large, without trying to make any changes happen, and keep on breathing right through the sensations. The idea is to get the focus away from the head and into the body. I's like sitting lazily in a glass bottom boat,watching whatever presents itself through that glass in the ocean. Whatever shows up is O.K. You don't know what the next moment brings. There is nothing you need to make happen, nothing to do but breathe and watch, and trust that the body knows how to let this energy pass through. Usually sensations will grow larger, sometimes heat builds up, then they may shift to different areas, then something else altogether calls your attention, until ultimately you feel peace and quiet. However, each person's experience will be unique, and will differ from experience to experience.
This method is best practiced first with smaller issues that come up. This method does work, but it is not for everyone. It's worth a try, remember there is a learning curve. If it does not work, don't be hard on yourself. There are other methods, like running, swimming, chanting, singing, anything that forces you to breathe deeply.
Let me know how you are doing. Candida CAN be conquered, just go slow.....


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