Re: Anxiety and diet
I have had anxiety for the past 5 years - I know what you mean when you say you would rather die, it's absolutely horrible. When I did the Candida antifungals my worst symptom was anxiety so I know that it is sometimes due to toxins. I found that an enema (water) does aleviate anxiety when it is due to toxins. As for the rest of the time, you know you wont die from it (even though you wish you would sometimes it gets so scarey). At the bad times you just have to float through it. It doesn't last that long so it's a matter of letting it happen without being frightened and just wait for it to run it's course as it always does.
I am no doctor but I think that garlic cleanse screwed up your system. Anything to excess can be toxic to the body, all you can do is support your system with good food and wait till everything is back to normal. Your mineral balance might be out of wack, get a good mineral supplement. You have no idea the crazy feelings you can experience just from a simple lack of magnesium! This mineral is very necessary for nerve health. But it needs to work with calcium and zinc. Then Calcium needs Vit C etc., - you see, you need a supplement with all the minerals in it.
Stop the medications and just concentrate on a very healthy Candida diet for at least one month. Lots of water, probiotics and most important to have a wide variety of foods to try to replace vitamins/minerals that you may be lacking. You need to get your balance back.