Alot of candida medications are very hard on the system, especially if you are taking so many at a time. Your system is probably very run-down and adrenals very weak. My daughter has had extreme reactions to every product I gave her - very frightening. I have given up on doctors right now and am trusting that Three Lac can give her relief. She has extensive candida all throughout her system and she has also had alot of anxiety, especially in the evening. We are starting very slowly with Three Lac, and so far, so good. She is not having any extreme reactions so far. Three Lac is supposed to be the best out there for getting rid of candida. Why don't you try it? Many people on this board are using it. I know how frightening the anxiety connected with candida is. Maybe you should just take a break from the products you have been taking and have a rest. Your system is probably overloaded. Look into Three Lac and see if it might be a possibility for you. Hope the anxiety will pass quickly.