Re: HELP!! Women who sleep with married men.
That may be true, but the majority of the reason is because either men invite this or actively initiate this relationship. I'm on adultfrienfinder and found many profiles of women stating that they did not want to get involved with married men.
In addition I also hold men responsible because men can be emotionally detached easier than women. Sex plays a larger role for men and relationships for women. I'm not saying there aren't some women like that, but on the whole it is that way.
There are some men who will repeatedly hit on women until they break down. Called a player. Every man is a player at heart. But when you get married. You are no longer an individual your significant other should be the first thing on your mind. How could you cheat then.
Sometimes a couple gets married to young(before they have enough life experience), to early in a relationship, for the wrong reasons, or they just drift apart. Next thing you know they don't have the feelings they had before. Still things can work out with good communication, openess and the desire to want to make it work.
All the extramarital affairs I have heard off all ended disasterously. I don't see how it could any other way. It's not like what they show in movies.