Re: 12 numerology and 144,000
Fascinating! I had no idea about Matt, Mark and Luke (and one more?) being representations of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus! wow. The Fixed Signs (each one of them is the very CENTER of their season...). Hmmmm...
I have always wanted to read the bible...because although I'm not Christian at all, I've always wondered what I would 'see' in it...reading it like I would philosophy/dreams/poetry... I just haven't made it a priority so far. We'll see!
I really love what you say about what is contained in the bible and how others just don't see it that way. Your view is very refreshing!
And THIS: Jesus was represented by the fish symbol (vesica piscis) he left a message saying that when you see the man with the pitcher (aquarius) that consciousness would be raised. *is wild!
Jesus really said this?? Wow.
You might be interested in my interpretation of the geometry within a 2003 Canadian crop circle (link below) - There is a reference to the Jesus Fish there too...and lots of Heart stuff! oooooooh...
Thanks for expanding my view, Anthony!
love Tracey
Interpretation of 2003 Canadian Crop Circle