Re: Heart!
Yes I really have resonated with your posts lately almost so much I feel intimately connected even though you guys are all more well versed and studied in astrology and numerology and such.
Michael in Hebrew from christian bible means one who is most like or is god Mi-Ka-el. The chieftest of all. He is the arch or top/head angel or messenger and to some he is identified as jesus or god himself.
I am an A but also the short form of my name is T. Tony. My sons are A & T. We collectively are known as AT& T. A very new spiritual friend of mine is An A. Her first name means man her middle name is the feminine of Michael- Michelle. So she is interpreted as a MALE FEMALE INTEGRATION of god. Also other new relationships are A& T many here on curezone. Everyone of the people I have communicated with today for example on curezone are A's & T's. (Tracey, Athena, Peachy) I find that interesting that A T & T is known for COMMUNICATION. Wow I just looked up my name in several ancient languages. One of my names means WATCHER or GUARDSMAN of HOUSES. In another tongue it means COMMUNICATOR, in another Strong minded OBSERVER and finally HEART is Brave. Another of my names is directly linked with mount horeb and sinai which are the mountains in the bible that moses COMMUNICATED with god at. When you put my first and last name together they mean ASCENSION MOUNT again which is where I visited in my "I flew to spirit school dream". Ok I'm freakin out now gotta stop. WOW!!!
By the way what is the eastern european thing? I am planning a trip as my only first cousins live there.
Morphologically, Pink