Pink usually deals with emotions right? maybe the common physical coming together with complex emotional and producing a unique group or consciousness type feel. Experienced as a group maybe between aspects of your self, specifc group of friends if they were all identifiable or perhaps 6-7 others you feel a connection with (perhaps some you have made previous contracts with?). morphological makes me think ever changing state of flux pink makes me feel gentle and comfortable like easier to handle the flux. I also feel completely enveloping going along with. Seems like it could be a group conciosness experience though.
If you remember my first spirit school dream from october It had a group of 6-7 people and the parting sentence that awoke me into normal consciousness was " be aware of the electricity" I had a feeling that these 6-7 people as a group were involved with helping me evolve and in my schooling. When they said that I knew it had meaning which is what caused me to write this dream down for the first time.