Re: Oh I forgot
Well that sure is sounds like the TV program was mimicing our conversation...
I went to sleep last night thinking about slavery too...(you can imagine the thoughts)...I've always felt so connected to Europe with its rooooots, I guess because I've always been interested in my own roots. I've always been down on North America, too...feeling like we have no roots here and we're so new and young (and stupid) I've always yearned for Europe and the history there. I love the feeling of walking on a footpath where others for hundreds and thousands of years have walked. (here on the west coast of Canada it's so new and pointy and lush and underpopulated that there are really only a few places where you can feel that the Native Indians have been - here it's like Nature rules...but I like the feeling of seeing where Human's have been (like the pre-historic art caves in France! Some 30,000 years old).
ANYWAY...these thoughts led to, of course, how you and your ancestors must have felt. (well, no words can convey what's going through my head right now) No roots to the nth degree - and marked by a violent tearing away...
You are right, Anthony, yes...I think many of us are waking up to this and ARE helping each other in becoming...I sure have felt it soooo strongly on this Forum over the holidays. It seems so tangible. So real. So utterly fantastic - like the World is so much more fascinating and beautiful and magical than we ever thought possible before...
I feel we are awakening...
And it's just so wonderful feeling that we all have our unique perspectives and bring this to each and everyone - so that there ARE different bridges...bits and pieces resonate and the more of us that come together the more bridges are created and crossed...
much love to you Anthony!