Anthony...I've got to say that when I read "the slavemasters whose name my father carried were french heritage" I got shivers...eiy eiy eiy.
So, does this mean that YOU have a french last name? Was the 'name your father carried' his last name or first? (I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff) Because, my last name is french...(??) Ships doctor?? I think my hands are going numb...
Yes....what beautiful words...let's see what the snow reveals...
My whole family is very Healing-related too...I once added up all the signs of the planets that each of my relatives were born with starting with my two grandparents that I feel most connected to. The two of them had Pisces as the most dominant sign. Then their four girls (my mom and her sisters) had Scorpio as the dominant sign. Then the 10 cousins (including me) had Pisces dominant again (interesting how it skips a generation)....and overall, the whole family had Pisces as dominant. Water. Spiritual. Other-worldly. Connected to the Ocean of Oneness! Hmmm.
Oooh....I see that your North Node is in Pisces (where your soul wants to go in this lifetime) and that Neptune (Pisces ruler) is verrrrry prominent and strong in your chart. Pisces house (the 12th) also holds your Moon - I'd say that you're pretty Neptunian! in ter es ting...
Okay Anthony....this has been a most exciting day - Soo many times today I was just overwhelmed by the synchronicities - one after the other! wow.
love T