Anthony & Tracey - Toothache
Another thing you could try, it helps me somewhat is tabasco sauce.
I take a Q-tip and keep dipping it in tabasco bottle and just massage tooth and gum area.
Don't do it too much it could burn your mouth and create a blister, it happened too me.
It is sort of like an anesthesia.
I hope your tooth gets better soon.
I have also tried gargling with cayenne as well, let me tell ya' that can burn.
But you are killing all the germs.
I have had a toothache in that area on and off for months.
Yes, tracey i do remember that post about your friends and believe it or not, i remember i had a toothace at the same time.
I remember i was going to post it, but decided against it.
It is coincidental or what?
Is it true there are no coincidences?
Just wondering.