Michael & Stone
Anthony - wow!~
Our Michael's have stuff in common!
Yes, my stone is an oval and is black with a PERFECT (and I mean perfect) 10 in white written on it. On the back it has a perfect white Moon symbol - a full circle with a cresent/disseminating Moon line as well. It is the most amazing stone I've ever encountered!
So....What? A stone was promised with a new name on it? ooooh, yes, casting my vote...yup. This is all verrrry interesting and totally new information.
I have been waiting (not really waiting, but looking forward to) my 10 year...I've just entered it and I'm quite excited.
You'll remember that my personal 10 year was brought into being one month before my birthday on November 3rd, 2003 with the Dream where I had the voice that said, "Always remember to set an extra place at your table for your Guest, The Greater Good". Woah. What a theme for my year...
Yes....I remember reading that Michael as the 'slayer of dragons' - because I had had a belief crisis for the three days prior to that dream I really took that to heart. He slayed my Dragons of Fear and Doubt (jungian interpretation)....absolutely!!!
Let me know what you think about the Family of Michael chanelling!
love T