12 numerology and 144,000
Interesting, Anthony. I have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible so it is great for me to hear these connections that you speak of.
I've been hearing about this '144,000' lately too - I can't quite remember, though - oh yeah - it was said that the Mayan's said that in 1987 (when the Harmonic Convergence was) if a minimum of 144,000 people came together on sacred spots on the Earth that that would be enough people to raise the vibration of the Earth and begin healing the planet. (hmmm!) I mentioned this to my Taurus cousin (yoga teacher) and she exclaimed something about how odd that was that I said 144,000 because this number was mentioned in some other text as being important too! (wish I could remember what) She knows nothing of the bible, too, so it wasn't that. So - yeah, it seems to be everywhere!
It makes sense that 12's would be what are 'doubled/multiplied' to get this magic number (144 reduces to 9 which is divisible by 3....and apparently we're entering the Triple Triangle. And finding the '3rd' point of Light within this illusion of duality and polarity (2ism)) - because 12 is such a special number.
Read the post below on the symbolism of 12 for more...
Lots to think about here...thanks...
*oh look! I found this part in my numerology book that talks about '12' and the New Testament! (I've never seen this before)
Here goes: There were Twelve Tribes of Israel who were the sons of Jacob. When Jacob gave his blessing to his twelve sons, he was referring not only to twelve individuals, but to the development of twelve attributes to be awakened in the human soul. These paralleled the twelve characteristics of the twelve signs of the zodiac (Genesis 49:1-28). The work of these twelve sons dominated most of the Old Testament. Each tribe expressed the qualities of one sign of the zodiac and responded to a certain number. (Anthony - does this seem true? Is there, for example, an Action-oriented war-like son? A secretive, intense son? A harmony and Love-oriented son? etc etc? hmmm). No tribe was wholly good or bad. These twelve signs and their corresponding numnbers are operative in the lives of every individual, for each person indeed is a miniature universe.
Jesus chose to have twelve apostles. These also relate in character to the twelve signs of the zodiac to make a complete gathering of types of people in the inner circle of followers of Jesus. Thus the vibrational force under the number 12 belongs to the developed soul who has accumulated unusual inner strength through many and varied experiences.
A little more about 12