Re: Has Jack Van Impe officially converted to Catholicism?
Oh - Sharon! I understand. I know full well that there doctrine is so wrong and not Biblical! My emphasis was meant to be more on what perhaps Jack Van Impe was trying to communicate and that he wasn't converting!
But, we both also know that in churches where the doctrine is right on and they are following the Bible in a correct manner you run into self righteous attitudes and a lack of love. Every single church denomination has a problem of some kind - none are perfect (unfortunately)
I used to be so hard hearted towards other denominations - I used to only see the wrong and come down hard on that! Then God revealed to me that none are perfect and if we all just focus on the negative no good for His Kingdom will get done.
Also remember, if you are teaching someone right from wrong the manner of teaching must be taken into consideration. Teach something in love and 9 times out of 10 it will be accepted and righted. Teach something in a condemning/self righteous/belittling manner and 9 times out of 10 it will be disregarded and a bad attitude will be created.