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Re: Slaves
A person with low pH has a hard time understanding simple facts, vitamin c is a drug of choice because it makes the population more like slaves.
Slaves are not created by vitamin usage, slavery generally results when people cease to think for themselves and blindly follow a self declared leader or guru who declares he is the sole source of truth. Freedom comes from having an open mind and a willingness to learn and experiment. For those of us who have tried vitamin C and take steps to insure that proper body pH is maintained through good diet and supplements as needed, know through experience that vitamin C is not a drug, but rather a necessary part of good health. Those of us who are willing to take responsibility for our own health will never be slaves. Those who are afraid to question, and rely on drugs or even prepackaged "natural" remedies produced to make money instead of helping ease misery, and especially those who blindly follow advice without examining the
Science and the logic behind are those who are already enslaved.
Freedom comes from using the God-given gift to think for ourselves, make the proper decisions for what we need, and take responsibility for our actions.
To call those who choose to use, or even experiment with vitamin C or any other supplement "drug crazed freaks" or "slaves" is not only erroneous, it is a sign of extreme prejudice and narrow mindedness on the part of the name caller. You are free to follow your own path, and to try to convince as many as will to follow you; however you do not have the right to berate those who choose a different path.