Re: Herbal Medicine Chest + for Cancer
I appreciate your comments.
I nearly died from colon cancer. I am currently in remission and fighting to stay there. To most of the "advisors" on this board, cancer is an abstract, something to ponder, and speculate (try this, try that). To those of us who have it, it is the fight of our life. Time does not allow trying various remedies, until we find one that works. Many of us have but one good shot at life.
As time is potentially short, what every cancer patient needs first and foremost is truth. I have found truth short on both the traditional and CAM sides of cancer treatment. I am unafraid to speak the truth to one fighting cancer. As one with cancer, I understand what you do not.
#5472 needs to understands that she is quickly getting to a very serious situation. With or without insurance, she needs medical attention. Delay could be life or death. Live first, and then worry about money.
Fear is paralyzing. When first facing the possiblity of a terminal disease, I was paralyzed with fear. But the answer is not ignorance or denial. The answer is truth. The truth, no matter how difficult, is always best.
#5472 needs the truth. About her prognosis. About quack treatments such as
Hulda Clark . About chemo & surgery. About real and life-saving natural medicine.
As far as my battle: I use juicing, 60-70% raw organic diet, megadose vitamins and anti-oxidants, juice fasts, and coffee enemas.
I plan to add periodic whole-body hyperthermia. Also, I have been researching Coly's toxins. Our bodies need to be able to fever to heal. Our 50-year fear of fever has produced bodies nearly incapable of having a good inflamation response. Coly's toxins can help to restore that ability. ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©
I appreciate your comments.
I nearly died from colon cancer. I am currently in remission and fighting to stay there. To most of the "advisors" on this board, cancer is an abstract, something to ponder, and speculate (try this, try that). To those of us who have it, it is the fight of our life. Time does not allow trying various remedies, until we find one that works. Many of us have but one good shot at life.
As time is potentially short, what every cancer patient needs first and foremost is truth. I have found truth short on both the traditional and CAM sides of cancer treatment. I am unafraid to speak the truth to one fighting cancer. As one with cancer, I understand what you do not.
#5472 needs to understands that she is quickly getting to a very serious situation. With or without insurance, she needs medical attention. Delay could be life or death. Live first, and then worry about money.
Fear is paralyzing. When first facing the possiblity of a terminal disease, I was paralyzed with fear. But the answer is not ignorance or denial. The answer is truth.
#5472 needs the truth. About her prognosis. About quack treatments such as
Hulda Clark . About chemo & surgery. About real and life-saving natural medicine.