Hello I am 16 years old and I have a serious issue. All my life I have never had a problem with my odor until 3months ago. Since then I have been very smelly but for some reason I can’t smell it. Others at school say that I smell like shit or a$$. My family can’t smell it but other people can. I don’t know what to do. I just want my life back. Everywhere I go people exhale really loud or say I smell like straight poop. In Gods’s name I am begging you all to help me with this terrible thing. It has ruined my life. Please, if you have experienced this and it is gone now or if you even know what to do to help me please do so. My pediatrician didn’t do anything about it. I am going to see a GI doctor soon. So I am hoping that he can help me overcome this nightmare. I came on this website because I saw other people getting help, so hopefully I can get that help from the universe. There is nothing more that I can say other than I take showers on a daily basis I brush I shave I lotion i keep hygiene up so that’s not the case. Everything I have ever dreamed of is shattered because of this. I have not had true happiness in a while so please help me, I beg of you.