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Oh, so that's your game is it? Provoke me into an anti-chi..
loquat1 Views: 545
Published: 8 y
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Oh, so that's your game is it? Provoke me into an anti-chi..

Oh, so that's your game is it? Provoke me into an anti-chiliast rant eh? You cheeky little basket. Well, I trust your fix of rant stopped that cold turkey dead in its tracks.

Out of curiosity, I checked a few old issues of The Researcher, and found that Finalist conferences were regularly held at:

1. First Baptist Church, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
2. Sovereign Grace Conf., Rocky Mount, N Carolina
3. Glen Eyrie Navigators Conf. Centre, Colorado Springs
4. Northwest Baptist Theological College, Marine Drive, Vancouver
5. Camp Montgomery, nr Fincastle, Va.
6. Christian Church (??), Buffalo Rd, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
7. Valley Church in Roanoake, Va., and finally
8. An unspecified location in Kingston, Ontario

And that was from just a few issues. So as you can see, they were held all over the shop and not just in Sudbury. Dunno what the current situation is regarding conferences at these locations, but they certainly give the lie to Mac's claim that we don't have any. 



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