Re: matthew 18
Have you ever sung the hymn 'When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder' in your church, written by one of your countrymen? Ever noticed the words in the opening lines?:
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more,
and the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair...
You have some very wooden and regimented ideas about how time might be perceived following the second advent. In the context of eternity, most of your questions are largely meaningless. And you also make some very strange assumptions about what I believe. Where have I ever denied that every eye will see him? It is precisely that event that gives your belief in an earthly kingdom its quietus. Every eye will see Him, yet you ask us to believe that those eyes will enter into the glories of an earthly kingdom in their unregenerated, rebellious state. So much so that by the end of this 'glorious' millennium, they all but turn the tables against a beleaguered camp of the saints.
No, never try to see it my way. Try seeing it from the perspective of Jn 5: 28-29, Rom. 8:18-25, 1 Cor. 15: 20-28, 35-57, 2 Cor. 5:10, 2 Thess. 1: 5-10, 2 Pet. 3:7, 10-13, and Rev. 6:14-17, to cite but a few. Now give me an equivalent weight of Scriptural evidence in favour of a 1,000 year earthly kingdom wherein sin, death, decay and corruption still reign supreme, a kingdom that is overwhelmingly populated for the most part by Christ-hating malcontents, and ostensibly all while Satan himself has been bound so that he is no longer able to decieve them!
Try 'visualizing' that, and tell me if you think that makes any more sense than what you wrongly visualize about 'my' beliefs. I believe the answers to the bulk of your quesions are given in the above references. It's your self-imposed hermeneutical straightjacket - your belief in a temporal earthly kingdom - that prevents you from seeing them.
Time to shed those millennial spectacles of yours and see the true light of gospel truth.