matthew 18
hey, refreshed. do you even read what you post?
like i told you,. posting scripture is the best thing you have ever done. too bad you dont understand a damn word of it.
like today, matthew 18. you think youre god, dont you? you read that from from jesus perspective and put yourself in his place, dont you? thats a rhetorical question because i know you do. you wield the word of god like your own personal sword. and you thin you re doing it right.
well, you forgot on little teeny tiny part in all that. you forgat to be a child yourself. you forgot to obey christ and be born again. you just take on this perrsona like yorue god and have all his words at your disposal.
well, i got news for you. im probably the first person youve come across who has walked out the scriptures and understand them properly. so you and your friends can look at me and what i say and think im wrong and not give it a care.
well, like i said, a regenerated person can detect a non-regenerated fake like you just like a person who is all bathed and clean can detect someone who hasnt had a bath in a month. and trust me, i am one who has gone longer than a month without a bath and you cant tell that you need one, really. you get used to the filth, the putrid smells and you cant see the grime on your face without a mirror. you seem fine to yourself.
dont you?