Re: matthew 18
The Greek scholar Henry Alford reputedly admitted that but for Rev. 20, he would never have arrived at his premil. views. Not even the OT kingdom prophecies - you know the ones: Is. 2, 11, 65, Zech. 14, etc. - were enough to persuade him of its Scriptural basis.
Yep, Rev. 20 remains the locus classicus for all forms of chiliasm. It is the happy hunting ground for every crackpot theory about the future you can possibly imagine, from the earthly paradise of jehovah's witnesses to the worst excesses of British Israelism, so-called. It is also a classic case of allowing the tail to wag the dog.
Don't get me wrong - I can understand the emotional 'pull' of such a belief. It speaks to a deep-seated yearning we all share; a desire for universal peace, love & justice. A desire to see our saviour visibly take over the reins. It all makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, it has no Scriptural justification - until we reach Rev. 20.
Better late than never I s'pose.