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Re: matthew 18
loquat1 Views: 1,466
Published: 8 y
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Re: matthew 18

Now risking Loquat coming down on me about my beliefs on Jesus and His 1000 year reign on earth..

Why would I do that? You are entitled to your beliefs, as I am entitled to disagree with you without coming to blows over our differences. That's a subtlety that trapper has yet to grasp.

But yes, it is perfectly true that I'm utterly mystified by many aspects of a post-advent earthly kingdom. I simply put it to you that you must have an inadequate appreciation of the glory that will be on display on that day if you can imagine, even for one second, a scenario in which unregenerate humans not only manage somehow to 'survive' His appearing (contrary to virtually every NT pronouncement on the subject), but also remain unregenerate for the best part of a 1,000 years despite the personal attendance of Him who dwells in ineffable glory.

So let me see if I've got this right - again. Satan has been bound, right? Jesus' glory is on full display for all to see, right? So what exactly is stopping everybody from falling on their knees and confessing Him as Lord and Saviour, leaving aside the fact that you are also now in 'second chance' territory? Who could resist this unhindered display of divine love and majesty, let alone want to?

You have never adequately addressed this basic flaw in your scheme. Yet we are asked to believe that not only does such a situation obtain in your millennium, but this hostile horde stubbornly continues in suppressed rebellion to Messiah's reign right to the very end, when they finally reveal themselves in open revolt and an organised onslaught on the camp of the saints! Only divine intervention (yet again) saves the day, and prevents a complete fiasco.

And this is your idea of a paradise on earth is it? If you think I'm exaggerating in the portrayal I have presented above, I can give you upwards of 20 quotes from authors who are recognised advocates of your views that paint just such a picture, and a lot worse besides. But if that is what passes for God's kingdom in your beliefs, you are more than welcome to them sis. Just don't be too surprised when you find out that what you believed to be yet future turns out to have been fulfilled before He appears again.

Now I bet you wish you hadn't mentioned the melniemuinmmllm.



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