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Re: matthew 18
loquat1 Views: 1,415
Published: 8 y
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Re: matthew 18

Gal. 3 - 4 on its own contains enough dynamite to blast the church/Israel dichotomy into eternity, nervermind the passages you quote. Again, this false distinction is a central tenet of Dispensationalism, which refreshed ostensibly disowns, yet she continues to quote their shibboleths with gay abandon. Begs the question whether she actually reads her own posts.

Refreshed obviously puts great store by this piece. If memory serves, she has served it up before. But its central thesis completely ignores how the writers of the NT interpreted the kingdom prophecies of the OT. Without exception, they interpreted them as being fulfilled in and by the New Covenant, and in the unparalleled blessings that flow from it.

That should sound a clear warning to all 'literalists' everywhere, but as previously noted, human ingenuity knows no bounds when a theory must be defended at all costs - even at the cost of ignoring divine precept.



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