No doubt, but it will matter to those who say to themselves - 'I think I'll wait till this glorious milemnmiumn arrives before I make a decision about Jesus. I'll have plenty of time in which to accept Him as my saviour, so what's the urgency?'
What's the urgency? Why don't you help us out here refreshed? Why does anybody need to confess the name that is above every name now when they will have an entire millennium in which to make that decision? And with Jesus Himself present in all His resplendant glory?
Put another way, I think I'll renounce my Christian faith now a la trapper as the work of the devil, then after Jesus returns I'll be able to decide if he was right all along, and we were all just a bunch of asinine idiots fumbling around in a sea of darkness of our own making.
Now tell me why that may not be such a bright idea if you can. But if you can't be troubled coz you've always believed thus, then by all means continue believing it.