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Re: Water retention while fasting! Puffy and nasty!
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 5,532
Published: 8 y
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Re: Water retention while fasting! Puffy and nasty!

archus, i have never fasted with distilled water only, always used the spring water. but i am wondering now... i always craved spring water on a fast, but for nonFasting, i have been drinking distilled water for a few months now, and honestly feel it might be the better water. i,m changing my mind about lots of things.
what would a pure distilled Water Fast be like, i wonder. and do i even need to do one of these...
as Shelton used to suggest, fast as little as is needed. i ma interested in breatharianism, and something called the master fast system, which looks like a good intro to living on prana, or at least, having the clear choice to eat or not to eat.

like, i used to feel so sure distilled water leeched minerals from the body, and now i feel it actually removes the wrong sort, and ONLY these. and that we are meant to get minerals only from our food. plant based.

and did you know this, this is not fasting talk, but for offFasting, herbal infusions are the best sort of mineral supplements, is the druits and veg don!t do it.

a quart of nettle infusion for example, if you google it. wow. and oatstraw, alfalfa, red clover...
i,ve been tuning into susun weed again lately. good videos.
my mother did some courses with her, back when i was a few decades younger.


whatever foes around, comes around.




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