9 y
Re: Ultrasound/Sonograph after 30 day fast.
Yes very good suggestions - esp the notes. Am making some print outs.
I did have a feeling some time ago that I needed to have more than just Tsh test but when I rebutted she said "oh no no, its all good it couldn't be bla because bla is converted to la so therefore I only need to test TSH, and its very unlikely that it could be hypothyroidism if your TSH is like 1.9"
So I left it, but my googling in the car home after left me with more unanswered questions...
She is pretty good usually - a good Aleopathic doctor just gives me the diagnostics I need and the results... I like to treat myself with the rest.. So I will just insist she does what I need her to do - which is just the Blood lab referrals and she shouldn't have too much issues with doing so.
I think hormones/thyroid are so touchy... one persons normal can be another abnormal because we are all so variable!
A-iodine-taking we will go! soon enough!
Peace to you!