9 y
Re: Ultrasound/Sonograph after 30 day fast.
Went to the ultrasound/sonograph today.
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
There was essential little to no difference. At all. Whatsoever... after 30 DAYS!... there was just as much change from my previous 10 day fast!!
Still polycystic in one ovary and a haemorrhagic cyst in the other. The change in size after 30 days of fasting was DECIMAL 5 MM... (same as cc)
I am still happy, content and satisfied with the fast, and all the countless benefits I hopefully gained and achieved.
My body ate essentially every single thing- fat, muscle, whatever it possibly could around just about everywhere... but "Naaah, we'll just leave the cyst right cosy where it is"
Now I'm left looking like a recovering anorexic, with a nice cyst too!
I make light, but it was.... a rather sobering, sombre and solemn moment. I try to put on a stoic composure... But when realising that even after re-feeding I am faced with another 30 day ordeal to drag my family (and myself) through - only to yield a few millimetre difference in the cyst... how many of those must I do?? at this rate it would be a total of 5!!! with God only knows how much maybe a year? can my body cope? my family don't think so... and emotionally I don't think it is a viable option for all parties (partner/children), even if can force myself physically... It would be very difficult upon them.. And its frightening for everyone when I barely function at just a few hundred grams over 41kgs....surely there is more of an answer!
WHY? there must be a reason that the body is not autolysing these things?
ANYONE out there know?
Grateful for my circumstance and everything from The Creator. Submitting to the Will of God (the 'power' if you will)... just wanting to seek answers and info from those who would be in knowledge of such a thing.