Re: Ultrasound/Sonograph after 30 day fast.
I would rest, stay warm, drink warm water. No walks at this point.
For your journey, coconut water, if you get fresh coconut, Vegetable broth, tomato juice. Obviously, you want to drink juices fresh and not keep them in your car for the journey. Keep oranges and lemons that can be squizzed to get the juice out and consume it right away.
In between, water is a must. You are traveling for 7 hours considering both ways, you must prepare for that. If you sucked on an orange every time you got hungry, should be fine. So before you leave drink some vegetable broth, then you can be on oranges and lemons.
I eat a whole lemon when I brake my fasts.
Great job, pineapplehead.
Good wishes.
I hope you get good results from your ultrasound.
But you know your body is cleaner and healthier than before.