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Attorney, attorney, attorney......
  Views: 5,447
Published: 9 y
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Attorney, attorney, attorney......

Having been accused and charged with domestic violence, I can only suggest that you hire a defense attorney, immediately.  In fact, you should never have even been arraigned without an attorney present - this is a prioritized imperative.  Whenever anyone is falsely accused, legal representation is vital, whether it's a civil or criminal matter. 

Why anyone would do such a thing is not the business of the accused.  There is no need to know why someone does this.  What the focus should be is that someone DID make a dreadful false accusation, and treat the matter accordingly.  If you need to, get to a counseling therapist, as well, so that you are able to safely and promptly process what you're experiencing.  Heading into a legal matter in a state of agitation and anxiety isn't helpful.  And, an attorney will have the ability to look into the background of the accuser - has she filed such charges in the past against someone else?  What is her social life like?  What is her credit history like?  Does she have outstanding debts?  Is she in legal trouble, herself? don't have the ability to access this information.  But, a defense attorney does, and it would be a wise option to retain one, immediately.

I am so sorry that this has happened to you, and I hope that this woman is debunked and faces some consequences for her actions.  Brightest blessings to you.



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