Re: Any men falsely accused of rape / sexual abuse?
Evidence of sex = evidence of rape, at least to courts. So, yeah, anyone you consensually sleep with or maybe even someone who steals a used condom out of your trashcan can then accuse you of rape, with near-100% success. Though, chances are that the end result will actually be blackmail that you're forced to play along with, not jail.
Stat rape's even more fun. Heard that an old classmate of mine is wearing an orange jumpsuit cuz he, at age 19, slept with a 17yo girl who BSted EVERYONE about her age, then blackmailed him, and when that didn't take, filed charges. The cops found anime on his computer, classified the short cutsie characters as pedophilia-related stuff (riiiight... cuz 19yo pedophiles go for older-looking 17yo fat chicks with size DD cups), and whoops, the poor bastard is suddenly a sex offender. Last I heard, he was age 21 and looking at release in 20.