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Re: slightly off-topic, but relevant to "healing"
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Re: slightly off-topic, but relevant to "healing"


what a blessing indeed it was to receive your thoughtful message. Yes I have had some family who have been cured in one season of Infinite Potential and I found it to be remarkable.

I shall endeavour to look in to those sources that you mention. I myself was not overly keen on the "Course in Miracles", but I am keen to take notes, crochet, and draw through all of them... they are very relaxing to me.

Concepts of 'past life' sit awkwardly with me in terms of my personal religious beliefs - but certainly concepts of higher self are more suited to the line of reasoning that I can assimilate in my mind. I would be very taken aback and interested to listen to the manifestations of these ailments and other issues voicing themselves. I have seen some of this kind of thing give reasons and justification of their existence in a religious realm, but never more so in a physical/metaphysical realm - however I do feel instantly that they are all interwoven into a intriguing tapestry of life.

I say my 'little ones' as I am their female role model. I am my little sister's guardian she barely a teen and relies on me, along with my daughter for all their needs. I try my best to be as attentive to their soul/spiritual and health needs as I can so it can be full on...

Chiron... after discussion with my partner, we decided together this morning of day 10 of my Water Fast - sans supplements, (with 5 days pineapple into the lead up) that I should break it. I have travel commitments and meetings in a few days that will require me to be on deck.

I think his recommendation was out of sheer love, concern, and wisdom. However I felt very reluctant to break it. I procrastinated and almost grieved over having to put things other than water into my body. However I was on an extreme up... like I could have fasted another 11 days.

I had a diluted pineapple juice over 2 hours just sipping.
It made me tired and feel unwell.
I hade a food-processed (mushed) pineapple.
I had to go to bed... my chest ached, my heart hurt, the base of my throat felt bruise and swallowing was difficult. My whole upper torso felt like it had experienced trauma.

after my sleep, I had a glass of bicarb, to see if it was an acid/heartburn issue... no relief... after some time I had an avocado. still dreadful. I regret eating and I think I will fast tomorrow for some time as I just can't take this... I ate very slowly, spaced out my small portions over hours. but I'm just having a terrible reaction.

Do you have any ideas why this would be or what I could do as I am in some considerable discomfort... I am currently sipping on clear warm broth to try to line and calm my inflammation...

Much peace and pineapples upon you


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