Re: Truth vs. cessationism
Ed, I've already obliterated your whole argument there when I told you I loved reading and hearing from John Piper, a continuationist. I loved reading from Wayne Grudem too, another continuationist. Now I warn people of John Piper because he is joining up with all this mess, not because he is a continuationist.
The Justin Peters series on the Word of Faith movement where he shows point by point their basic doctrines as compared to what the bible teaches, reveals very clearly that when you add it all up, they teach a different gospel, and a different jesus. The NAR's basic doctrines line up with the Word of Faith's basic doctrines because they were born out of the Word of Faith. So no, even casting the continuationism aside, I don't agree with their core doctrines when you really get to analyzing what they are really teaching. On the surface, some things might sound okay, just as it does with the Catholic doctrines, but when you start digging a little deeper and putting it all together, it's a different gospel they are teaching, and a different jesus. And once again, this is why it will be a joy for them to join with the Catholics and their false gospel, because they don't believe the true gospel themselves.
I recommend everyone to watch the Justin Peter's series. The updated version is called "Clouds Without Water" and you can find in on youtube.
But I don't even have to go past this one point to be convinced myself about the NAR or Word of Faith: the leaders in these groups, who call themselves prophets or apostles, constantly make false prophecies! It's gotten so bad that Mike Bickle (false prophet himself) had to acknowledge how rampant false prophecies are, but he said it's okay, just as long as they apologize. You yourself even said you hear people making what you consider false prophecies a lot. I don't have to go any further than that. Even an honest continuationist will agree that a false prophet is a big deal. The bible tells us plain and clear, those that make false prophecies, are false prophets and there are specific commands for us when we encounter a false prophet, and they don't include excusing, making light of, continuing to recommend, or anything else like that. You can take what the scriptures say seriously about that or you can ignore them, but do so at your own peril!