I wrote that unprocessed fats are good, but is wrong to combine them with starches
Thx for the vids. I've watched many, if I haven't seen them already I'll give then time, whenever I get the chance. My work is quite busy now, so I am keeping my forum participation limited.
For a fact, I sad that fats from nuts and avocados are good, but is best to be eaten apart form starches, as in a different meal.
It is your right to determine what you eat and what info- to get and which to ignore. The vegetables Okinawans eat, I suppose, are every rich in minerals and are of good variety, so white rice doesn't get too much in the way (imagine what their lives would be if they had better rice - probably running marathons at 100 y.o., which is not such an exception for a health-conscious raw-food eater).
Also when our grand parents were born and especially mine or Okinawans, they had good unpolluted environment to grow and make their lives in. My grand parents also ate these things in Europe, and did not have Cancer, obesity or diabetes. Back then and in some regions like Europe, Japan even now, the pesticides and
Genetically-Modified-Organisms are little if not banned. Which is not the case for NAmerica. But if you do not want to get into the subject of pesticides and gluten - fine.
You will definitely get to reverse diabetes through weight loss and fasting alone. My idea was not that you will not. What I was emphasizing is, that what you had chosen to eat will not make you disease-proof. Cancer, obesity, arterial disease and diabetes are not the only diseases. For a fact the greatest rate of disability for the population comes from joint disease and auto-immune diseases. For which gluten is a big culprit, pesticides are a big culprit, together with vaccines and certain other factors. This 2nd group of diseases makes your life miserable, whereas the 1st one kills you faster ... so, again it is your body and your choice.