I don't think you know me very well. Have you read many of my past posts? I know tithing is a false teaching to get money out of people. It's not any better than what the Catholic church did/does, but they sure want you to believe it is. It is horrible what is going on in churches today. I don't care if it is Catholic or protestant. That is why I don't go. I know there are some good ones still left, but I am not aware of any around my area. I do not believe in a magical sinner's prayer either. I believe in a sinner's prayer only if the person praying it is praying it from his own being with full meaning of the words he is saying. I am aware of the many false conversions due to the false sinner's prayer teaching. So I guess that's how you think I became saved. I recited a prayer after somebody, they pronounced me saved, I believed what they said, but I am still evil to the core. I am no new creature in Christ. Christ has not been formed in me. My conversion was false. Okay, I think I know now what you are assuming about me. Thanks for finally telling me why you have been treating me the way you have in the past, although you have treated me well in your last few posts to me. Thank you.