Sounds like a Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Lovely testimony Refreshed, sounds very much like a baptism in the Holy Spirit of which multiple can occur in our lives unto the Lord. These kinds of baptisms can happen spontaneously as with you in this instance or also they can actually be released in people's lives through prayer, by the laying on of hands or otherwise.
Do you feel that there was a deep and enduring change in you after this experience? For example, do you feel your love for the Lord became 10x, 100x or 1000 times stronger either that day or within the next few weeks or months as if a wonderful seed had been planted?
Do you feel you were more strongly empowered by the Spirit to reject the ways of the flesh and live more fully in Spirit?
You may have answered this at some point before, but how long ago did this occur?
It blesses the true body of Christ when supernatural testimonies of the Lord's goodness are shared, like this one and that which we see in Acts 2:1-4 and elaborated on in Acts 1: 4, 5 and 8.