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Re: WOW. Anti-Parasite Diet is KEY!!!!!!

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MarcinK Views: 110,247
Published: 11 y
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Re: WOW. Anti-Parasite Diet is KEY!!!!!!

Fruit IS the enemy. The fructose containted in Sugar is what feeds parasites. The Gerson Therapy is designed to cure cancer, not parasite infection. There is much nutrition in fruits and juices and consuming them boosts your immune system, but the fact is that they feed parasites.

I feel obliged to denounce your claim as it may cause the reader a lot of suffering. The fact is, after I went fruit-free for 3 months, I got much better. My urinary tract infection was gone (I used to go to the washroom every 40 minutes), my sight went back to normal, I stopped sweating and drooling at night, belching is less nudging, no heavy hiccups anymore, no foul smelling stools, no pressure-like pain in my neck.

But the other day I ate some pineapple and bananas, motivated by some raw-foods activits writings. They say that the natural sugars occuring in fruits do not feed the parasites or candida. So the other day I ate the pineapple and bananas and it was excruciatingly painful. Going to bathroom 10 times a day, 30 minutes long series of belching, stingy pain in the abdomen, foul smelling stools and the list goes on. Now I cut out the fruit again and those are gone.

I agree with the points made by my predecessor: vegan or raw-food diet is much healthier than the animal-food based diet. By eating that way you will never have high cholesterol problems or heart disease. And you will most likely lenthen your lifespan significantly. I am also a fan of the "Gerson Miracle" movie.

But you have to understand that with a body infected by parasites, what would have been healthy (like fruits) with a body free of parasites, is going to be harfmul. Horsezan has laid it out better than me:

"ES, normally fruits and sprouts are WONDERFULLY healthy and important parts of our diet. But in this case, our bodies are overtaken by some horrific scourge, so it makes sense to forgo what would be beneficial in a normal situation. Fact is, our situation is NOT normal. The rules have changed. Fruit is good...normally. But now my health is decidedly not normal. So fruit is not okay."

Other than that, just notice how emotionally charged language EFHerne uses. Exaggerations ("All meat is riddled with parasites"), emotionally charged expressions and words ("riddled" "dead animal meat" ), exclamation marks. He also quotes some medical journals to get credibility. I even doubt if EFHerne is struggling with parasites himself. How can he give us an advice without experiencing the suffering himself?

Whereas Horsezane just tells you what has worked for her from her personal experience. I also agree with her points. Her language is not filled with anger nor does she need to prove her point by quoting anything.

So think one more time before you eat fruit if you are infected with parasites.


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