Re: WOW. Anti-Parasite Diet is KEY!!!!!!
I also firmly believe diet is key. From my understanding
parasites feed of
Sugar first and foremost. Meat is more for us and
parasites might get some...(i'm unclear on that if anyone knows the specifics i'd love to hear it).
It's the acidity of our system that makes us a great carrier of these things. Inside we look like chernobyl as if a nuclear bomb has gone off and all the positive flora have gone, just leaving a deserted and hostile terrain that only
parasites can thrive in. I believe our goal should be to restore that terrain so that we can get the probiotic flora to take hold once again and shoo these things out. Anything that ferments down to
Sugar inside us should be cut out. If you haven't checked out the Body Ecology Diet I think it's a pretty good bible for getting your system back to where it's supposed to be.
The only time i felt like i was on my way to freedom from this was when i was living by the B.E.D. principles. Now i have slacked off and gone back to my old ways of SAD consumption and they are back with a vengance and multiplied it seems. I too have many of the morgellons symptoms it seems but also without fibers.
It seems that if you have parasites you most likely would have candida as well. At least that is what i have understood at this point. Someone please correct me if you have good reason to believe otherwise.
I don't know if any of you have ever played Starcraft but the alien race (the Zurg) can only go where they send the "creep" which is a sludge like substance (ie. they're home turf). This is how i see Candida. It creeps and it tunnels and bores it's way through us and lives in tandem with the parasites. It also live by the same nutritional principals as parasites. Alkalinizing is the only hope to truly rid ourselves of this scourge as far as i can tell. And it means changing everthing about the way we eat and live and consume. All these herbs just seem to be bandaids on the real problem of our inner ecosystems being ripe for plunder in these acidic states. They see us like dirt, decomposing us before our times. We need to teach them that we are still vibrant and alive and not ready to be decomposed just yet. The only way for us to win this, i think is to become quite extreme individuals and become our own doctors as someone said. Because Doctors don't fix this and don't believe in it either for some reason. And the knowledge has to start somewhere.
There is so much to learn when you have something like this and I just try to see the bright side of it. I'm so amazed at the intricate system that are our bodies and the more i learn the more i'm in awe. Hopefully one day we can share this knowledge we are all learning on this path with others because i see more and more strange diseases and ailments popping up amongst younger and younger people.
Back to diet... I know beer specifically feeds mine the most. Obvious, I know. Beer is very high in i think it's fructose. (the water sources in it are highly suspect as well).
Raw seemed to work well for me but i lost a lot of my energy. I went back to meat + raw and that seemed to help. Lots and lots of probiotics as well. I started to turn the tide about 6 months ago but those parasites fought back so hard i folded. I think i'm ready for a re-match now. I also like the salt info. That's great. I just thought i was a Vata but apparently it could be giving me energy because it's taking away theirs! Awesome!
PS. I know that tobacco is a powerful anti-parasitic. Has anyone ever had success with topical application?
Smoking organic tobacco might keep them out of your lungs but they would just go elsewhere anyway.
PSS. I have 2 members of my family on the Marshal Protocol. They rave about how they are being healed. I am suspect because of the lack of nutrition advisement and sublimation of vitamin D. But Intercellular bacteria (which the MP kills) is the same thing as parasites as far as my research goes.... I think it's a case of the micro and macro in the human body being related just as the human ear has all the accupuncture points in the human body. Also Intercellular bacteria is passed from mother to child so we often get a load from the get go... but have the stomach full of probiotics to keep them at bay for a while.