Re: WOW. Anti-Parasite Diet is KEY!!!!!!
Hi, that is interesting.
I have some questions:
What was you diet before you changed your diet?
What supplements did you take?
Are you eating more carbs than protein?
Why wont they feed of chicken?
Can we really starve parasites? I have read that peoplee with much nutritional deficiencies get worse problems with parasites. Poeple become weak, but
parasites can't be starved.
Salt is a an old and wellknown
parasite killer, maybe it's your salt regimen that is kicking in?
I say this because I would like to hope that a rich diet is better for You, and not better for the parasites. But it could be the other way around.
Personal observation on diet:
Would an increase in dietary protein, meats of different sorts "boost" the parasites? I have been eating a semi-starving diet for a long time (lots of veggies and very little protein, and I was walking hungry most of the time). When I started to eat more protein and by the SCDiet(helps heal the bowels) the infestation got very aggressive, like someone would have injected rocket fuel into the parasites. They are 10 x more intense and moving than before, just when I started to eat more dense nutrients from high quality protein.
What should a person do!
I still had a HORRBILE infestation while on the starving diet, and it would never go away on its own on this diet, TRUST ME, it has been getting worse slowly each month. So I have no idea what to eat anymore!
Sugar and carbs worse to eat in terms of
parasite feeding? I havent had
Sugar for years.
This is very scary.
P.S Apxr you rock!