The key is creating an enviroment that parasite hate Sea Salt 1.5 grams per 20lb of body weight divide this amount by four put the Sea Salt in water take four doses daily along with super high quality vitamin C of course the best C if LYPOSPHERIC C. Drinks tons of water Stay away from Sugar and start fumigating your body with right essential oil and chinese herbs etc... Stop all flour dairy Sugar and anything else that caused inflammation. You must get rid of the inflammation or be on the path of decreasing it in order for the nutrition and supplement to be absorbed according to my biochemist scientist friend and you must take specific enzymes that dissolve the biofilms it is a good idea to get colonic or daily coffee enemas to clean out all the dead parasites and their toxin garbage. Ozone injections into cyst sites are excellent choice Search for Royal Rife machine or microcurrent machine that kills parasite dead for every repulsive parastic creature there is frequency that will knock them dead, this is based on proven science.