Thought I'd pipe in because the diet you're suggesting is loaded with parasites. Just different ones from what you're suffering with--but they will eventually harm you.
Morgellon's is a new disorder, I'm sure stemming from some hybrid parasite someone harvested & cultivated in a lab. Please Read "The Manual for the International List of Causes of Death" 1939 Edition(pg. 391). Also, the U.S. and other governments have been harvesting/cultivating the Rabies, Meningities, Toxoplasma Gondii and Candida Albicans parasites since the early 1900's. Toxoplasmosis not only thrives in cats, the government is/was harvesting and creating hybrids of this parasite inside of cats--using them as living incubators. The Toxoplasma Gondii parasite is the cause of BiPolar disorder, Depression, Anxiety & Schizophrenia. So much for the psychology" industry. Links are listed below:
Staying parasite free is an ongoing process. They're everywhere and the only way to fight them is with organic foods, oils, nuts, and remedies. Fruit is NOT the enemy. The "sugar," enzymes & acids in organic fruit is what kills parasites! If you've never watched The Gerson Miracle, I highly recommend you do. Also look up Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy cures Cancer/Yeast Infections/Parasite infections, and Baking Soda Therapy (Dr. Tulio Simoncini)
All meat (and eggs)--and there are no exceptions to this rule--are riddled with parasites. This is where we get salmonella, e-coli, Candida Albicans, etc. All parasites! Think about it, it's a dead animal sitting, fermenting, rotting--then we cook it, serve it and eat it. Even when properly cooked, leaving this cooked meat in a plastic bag will cause it to rot and decay, just as it does inside of your moist, dark, 98.6 degree body. This is where we get 'gas.' Processed sugars do the same; ferment, rot, gas, bloating. Red Delicious apples and apple seeds are the best at annihilating parasites and acid reflux. The "sugars" in organic fruit are nothing to be afraid of; 'in fear' is exactly where Western Medicine wants you because if you fear fruit you'll be eliminating one of the best weapons you have against Parasites. Vitamin C's acids(from fruit) head directly to the inside of Cancer cells, bacterial cells and parasites. It turns into Hydrogen Peroxide and blasts them from the inside out. This is the true beauty of Mother Nature. And this will only happen by eating fresh, organic citrus fruit.
Next to Sea Salt, Baking Soda is the only other salt a human should consume. Sea Salt turns to water in your stomach, so no damage there. Your Pancreas is supposed to produce Baking Soda to help extinguish the bad acids we from table salt. But our Pancreas is often so damaged by parasites and overwork from Insulin production, there isn't much left to produce Baking Soda properly. So if you have to ingest "salt," those are the only options. All others will cause acidosis provoking parasitic growth; like from Candida Albicans. Be careful, drinking Baking Soda water (1/2 tsp per 4 oz of Reverse Osmosis water) will cause you to burp....loudly. So don't do this on date-night. ;)
The Candida Albicans parasite is what's commonly referred to by Doctors as a "yeast infection." Tartaric Acid or "yeast" is normal for our bodies to produce,but it's meant to acidify parasites, not you. Unfortunately, Candida Albican parasites love yeast and thrive off of it. So anything with yeast, sugar, processed carbs, or Genetically Modified Foods will provoke an immune system response from you, propeling acid(yeast) production, feeding Candida Albicans. When your Doctor tells you to 'stick out your tongue' this is what he's checking for. Pro-Biotics are the best line of defense here--at least 30 Billion parts.
Finally, look up the Magnesium Miracle. A book dedicated to educating you on properly flushing your body of disease. Without it, you will get Arthritis, Arteriosclerosis, Osteoperosis, and any "calcification" disorder. Good Luck.....
Everytime you break it, you will notice parasite reactivation within minutes to up to 48 hours. The only "cure" is to get back on the diet and be strict about it. You are starving them to death. It's either them or you, and my vote is to kill THEM.
Hi, I started Parasite Cleanse 15 days ago and so following Anti-Parasitic diet. The drug course was only for 10 days and after that I broke diet thinking that I am completely rid of parasites. But I started feeling the symptoms again 3 - 4 days after I broke the diet as mentioned above. My doubt is are those symptoms triggered by larvae or developing eggs which were not killed (even after using parasitic cleanse) or the symptoms can only be triggered by adult worms (which are also not killed, besides larvae and eggs).
Also does milk without sugar, wheat flour and plain flour (in breads) feed parasites.